Nutrition Assessment with "Super Powers"

Based on WHO Nutrition Assessment Tables 2007

ABOUT Nutri-Assess Kids

Natumanya Guy's Nutri-Assess is a FREE mobile application developed by Natumanya Guy Muriro, a Ugandan Food Scientist, Nutritionist and Developer, that helps you assess anthropometric Nutritional Status of Children less than 19 years;
1. Weight for Height (WFH)
2. Weight for Age (WFA)
3. Height for Age (HFA)
4. BMI for Age
The app incorporates World Health Organization Z-score Tables (2007) to perform these calculations. The application is free for use for all Individuals and Organizations.


Assess children's Nutritional status

from 0 weeks to 19 years


Natumanya Guy Muriro

Food Scientist, Nutritionist, Developer @guynatumanya | +256782998363